
I’m glad you’re here! And you truly are…welcome, that is. You’re welcome here just as you are, where you are. You are welcome to join me on the journey. You are welcome to question, struggle, try, fail, dream big, be bold, find your voice, and not have to apologize for any of it.

This is the space where I get to share my heart and leave my mark.
I’m a leader, pastor, preacher, writer, homeschooler, wife, mom, and recovering perfectionist. (Although this describes what I do…not who I am.) Who I am is someone who’s been on the journey of discovering grace and identity, learning to LEAD, LIVE, and LOVE like Jesus.

So if you’re ok with uncertainty, mistakes, and uncomfortable authenticity-I’m glad you’re here! Because we need each other. We need each other’s stories, experience, wisdom, encouragement, challenge, perspective, and love. I’m glad you pulled up a seat. I hope you’ll stay a while.

The Table Leadership


The Table Leadership is a global community of leaders connecting and growing together. We offer online content, courses, and coaching. Visit our website for more info.

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East Bay, San Francisco, CA

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